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Levine AT, Yuen K, Billawa S, Bridge L, Clausen S, Cole E, Wang V, Canavan S, Spencer L, Campbell C, Morland AB, Codina C, Buckley D, Baseler HA (2020) Retinotopic remapping in the visual system of deaf adults. doi: 10.1101/2020.01.31.923342

Published Articles

(† indicates publications that report using the Psykinematix-based Metropsis solution from Cambridge Research Systems)

Leung T.W., Li R.W.; Kee C.S. (2023) Brief Adaptation to Astigmatism Reduces Meridional Anisotropy in Contrast Sensitivity. Diabetes 69(7): 1518-1527

Chen Y., Gao Y., He Z., Sun Z., Mao Y., Hess R.F., Zhang P., Zhou J. (2023) Internal neural states influence the short-term effect of monocular deprivation in human adults. eLife 12:e83815

Dulaney C.S., Murray J., Ghasia F. (2023) Contrast sensitivity, optotype acuity and fixation eye movement abnormalities in amblyopia under binocular viewing.Journal of the Neurological Sciences 451

Champagne-Hamel M., Monfort C., Chevrier C., Saint-Amour D. (2023) Screen Time at 6 Years Old and Visual Function in Early Adolescence. Vision 7(4):63.

Tsai, LT., Chen, CC., Hou, CH. et al. (2023) Achromatic and chromatic contrast discrimination in patients with type 2 diabetes. Sci Rep 13, 7420.

Raoof I., Gupta, M.K. (2023) Domain-independent short-term calibration based hybrid approach for motor imagery electroencephalograph classification: a comprehensive review. Multimed Tools Appl (2023).

† Hammond Jr B.R., Leathers T.A., Wooten B.R., Renzi-Hammond L.M. (2023) Contrast sensitivity functions measured using simple optics and computer testing. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics

† Bell E.L.S., Hastings G.D., Nguyen L.C., Applegate R.A., Marsack J.D. (2023) Utilising a visual image quality metric to optimise spectacle prescriptions for eyes with keratoconus. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics

† Michaelides M., Hirji N., Wong S.C., Besirli C.G., Zaman S., Kumaran N., Georgiadis A., Smith A.J., Ripamonti C., Gottlob I., Robson A.G., Thiadens A., Henderson R.H., Fleck P., Anglade E., Dong X., Capuano G., Lu W., Berry P., Kane T., Naylor S., Georgiou M., Kalitzeos A., Ali R.R., Forbes A., Bainbridge J. (2023) First-in-Human Gene Therapy Trial of AAV8-hCARp.hCNGB3 in Adults and Children With CNGB3-associated Achromatopsia, American Journal of Ophthalmology, Volume 253, pp. 243-251

† Huchzermeyer C., Fars J., Kremers J., Kühlewein L., Kempf M., Ott S., Stingl K., Stingl K (2023) Photoreceptor-Specific Temporal Contrast Sensitivities in RP1L1-Associated Occult Macular Dystrophy. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 64 (33)

† Kremers J., Aher A.J., Huchzermeyer C. (2023) Modulation of flash ERGs by dynamic backgrounds. Doc Ophthalmol 146, 33–51

† Blume C., Cajochen C., Schöllhorn I. et al. (2023) Effects of calibrated blue–yellow changes in light on the human circadian clock. Nat Hum Behav.

† Hirami, Yasuhiko et al. (2023) Safety and stable survival of stem-cell-derived retinal organoid for 2 years in patients with retinitis pigmentosa. Cell Stem Cell, 30(12):1585-1596.e6.

Flórez Cifuentes A.C. (2023) Radio de sumación binocular como indicador de la visión binocular. https://ciencia.lasalle.edu.co/optometria/1930

Álvarez Cárdenas M. A., & Martínez Viracacha A. J. (2023). Estimación del radio de sumación binocular medido a través de la sensibilidad al contraste en frecuencias espaciales altas y la agudeza visual en niños con ambliopía refractiva anisometrópica: una prueba piloto. https://ciencia.lasalle.edu.co/optometria/1954

Harrison A., Lane-Cordova A., La Fountaine M.F., Moore R.D. (2022) Concussion History and Heart Rate Variability During Bouts of Acute Stress. J Athl Train 57 (8): 741–747

Jordan Murray J., Gupta P., Dulaney C.; Garg K., Shaikh A.G., Ghasia F. (2022) Effect of Viewing Conditions on Fixation Eye Movements and Eye Alignment in Amblyopia. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 63(33)

Haochen J., Xi Y., Suqi C., Mengting W., Xiaozhou H., Jie Y., Weijie L., Mingna X., Wencan W., Yunhai T. (2022) Selective deficits of S-cone in thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy patients without clinical signs of dysthyroid optic neuropathy. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16. DOI:10.3389/fnins.2022.990425.

Fortin-Guichard, D., Ravensbergen, H.J.C., Krabben, K. et al. (2022) The Relationship Between Visual Function and Performance in Para Swimming. Sports Med - Open 8, 20

† Fars J., Fernandes T.P., Huchzermeyer C. et al. (2022) Chromatic discrimination measures in mature observers depend on the response window. Sci Rep 12, 9072.

† Jolly J.K., Pratt L., More A.K., Kwan J., Jones R.L., MacLaren R.E., Aslam S. (2022) The Effect of Cataract on Color Vision Measurement with the Low-Vision Cambridge Colour Test: Providing an Adjustment Factor for Clinical Trials. Ophthalmology Science 2(2), 100153, ISSN 2666-9145.

Chen S., Min S.H., Cheng Z., Xiong Y., Yu X., Wei L., Mao Y., Hess R.F., Jiawei Zhou J. (2021) Binocular visual deficits at mid to high spatial frequency in treated amblyopes, iScience 24(7). 102727, ISSN 2589-0042

Krabben K., Ravensbergen R., Orth D., Fortin-Guichard D., Savelsbergh G.J.P., Mann D.L. (2021) Assessment of Visual Function and Performance in Paralympic Judo for Athletes with Vision Impairment. Optometry and Vision Science 98(7):p 854-863. DOI: 10.1097/OPX.0000000000001735

Arias D.J., Saint-Amour D. (2021) Synesthesia does not help to recover perceptual dominance following flash suppression. Sci Rep 11, 7566.

Augustinaite S., Kuhn B. (2021) Intrinsic optical signal imaging and targeted injections through a chronic cranial window of a head-fixed mouse. STAR Protocols 2(3). 100779, ISSN 2666-1667

Seider T.R., Porges E.C., Woods A.J. et al. (2021) An fMRI study of age-associated changes in basic visual discrimination. Brain Imaging and Behavior 15, 917–929

Leung T.W., Li R.W., Kee C.S. (2021) Meridional Anisotropy of Foveal and Peripheral Resolution Acuity in Adults With Emmetropia, Myopia, and Astigmatism. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 62(11)

Murray J., Garg K. & Ghasia F. (2021) Monocular and Binocular Visual Function Deficits in Amblyopic Patients with and without Fusion Maldevelopment Nystagmus, Eye and Brain, 13:, 99-109, DOI: 10.2147/EB.S300454

Sia R.K., Ryan D.S., Beydoun H., Eaddy J.B., Logan L.A., Rodgers S.B., Rivers B.A. (2021) Small-incision lenticule extraction in the U.S. military: prospective study of visual and military task performance. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery 47(12):p 1503-1510

Sicard V., Caron G., Moore R.D. & Ellemberg D. (2021) Post-exercise cognitive testing to assess persisting alterations in athletes with a history of concussion. Brain Injury 35(8)

† Jolly J.K., Simunovic M.P., Dubis A.M., Josan A.S., Robson A.G., Bellini M.P., Bloch E., Georgiadis O., da Cruz L., Bridge H., MacLaren R.E. (2021) Structural and Functional Characteristics of Color Vision Changes in Choroideremia. Frontiers in Neuroscience 15.

† Domínguez-Vicent A., Helghe E., Wahlberg Ramsay M., Venkataraman A.P. (2021) Photopic and Mesopic Contrast Sensitivity Function in the Presence of Glare and the Effect of Filters in Young Healthy Adults. Frontiers in Psychology 12.

Costa M.F., & Pinho O.C. (2020). Desenvolvimento e validação de medidas psicofísicas de sensibilidade ao contraste de segunda-ordem. Psico, 51(4), e38077

† Motz CT, Chesler KC, Allen RS, Bales KL, Mees LM, Feola AJ, Maa AY, Olson DE, Thule PM, Iuvone PM, Hendrick AM, Pardue MT (2020) Novel Detection and Restorative Levodopa Treatment for Preclinical Diabetic Retinopathy. Diabetes 69(7): 1518-1527. https://doi.org/10.2337/db19-0869

† Georgiou M, Singh N, Kane T, Robson AG, Kalitzeos A, Hirji N, Webster AR, Dubra A, Carroll J, Michaelides M (2020) Photoreceptor Structure in GNAT2-Associated Achromatopsia. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, Vol. 61(40). doi:https://doi.org/10.1167/iovs.61.3.40

† Huchzermeyer C, Fars J, Stöhr H, Kremers J (2020) Neue Techniken zur Quantifizierung des Farbsinns bei Störungen der Zapfenfunktion – Cambridge-Color-Test und photorezeptorspezifische zeitliche Kontrastempfindlichkeit bei Patient/Innen mit heterozygoten RP1L1- und RPGR- Mutationen. Der Ophthalmologe, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00347-020-01119-0

Sicard V, Simard A, Moore RD, Ellemberg D (2020) Practice effect associated with the serial administration of the switch task and its implications in the assessment of sports-related concussion. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, Vol. 42(9):965–973

Augustinaite S, Kuhn B (2020) Ca2+ Activity of Sensory Activated and Suppressed Layer 6 Corticothalamic Neurons Reflects Behavioral State. Current Biology, Vol. 30(20) P3945-3960.E5

Gravelle MNK, Vandewouw MM, Young JM, Dunkley BT, Shroff MM, Taylor MJ (2020) More than meets the eye: Longitudinal visual system neurodevelopment in very preterm children and anophthalmia. NeuroImage: Clinical (2020), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nicl.2020.102373

Sicard V, Lortie JC, Moore RD, Ellemberg D (2020) Cognitive Testing and Exercise to Assess the Readiness to Return to Play After a Concussion. Translational Journal of the ACSM: Summer 2020 - Vol. 5(11):1–9

Mao Y, Min SH, Chen S, Gong L, Chen H, Hess RF, Zhou J (2020) Binocular Imbalance in Amblyopia Depends on Spatial Frequency in Binocular Combination. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 2020;61(8):7. doi: https://doi.org/10.1167/iovs.61.8.7.

Qiu SX, Caldwell CL, You JY, Mendola JD (2020) Binocular rivalry from luminance and contrast. Vision Research, Vol. 175:41–50. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2020.06.006

† Patterson Gentile C, Aguirre GK (2020) A neural correlate of visual discomfort from flicker. Journal of Vision, Vol.20, 11. doi:https://doi.org/10.1167/jov.20.7.11

† Ryan DS, Sia RK, Eaddy JB, Logan LA, Familoni JO, Beydoun H, Rodgers SB, Rivers BA (2020) Preliminary evaluation of the VIsion PERformance (VIPER) simulator. Military Medical Research volume 7, Article number: 2

Anssari N, Vosoughi R, Mullen KT, Mansouri B (2020) Selective Colour Vision Deficits in Multiple Sclerosis at Different Temporal Stages. Neuro-Ophthalmology, 44(1), doi:10.1080/01658107.2019.1615960

† Georgiou M., Robson A.G., Singh N., Pontikos N., Kane T., Hirji N., Ripamonti C., Rotsos T., Dubra A., Kalitzeos A., Webster A.R., Carroll J., Michaelides M. (2019) Deep Phenotyping of PDE6C-Associated Achromatopsia. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 60(15):5112-5123

Cooper PR, Mendola JD (2019) Abnormal sensory eye dominance in stereoanomalous subjects. Journal of Vision, Vol.19, 14. doi:https://doi.org/10.1167/19.13.14

Costa MF, Gaddi CM (2019) A power law study of the edge influence on the perceived filling-in brightness magnitude. Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica 32: 17. doi:10.1186/s41155-019-0130-7

Alnawmasi M, Chakraborty A, Dalton K, Quaid P, Dunkley B, Thompson B (2019) The effect of mild traumatic brain injury on the visual processing of global form and motion, Brain Injury 33(10), doi:10.1080/02699052.2019.1641842

Piotrowska B, Alexandra Willis A (2019) Beyond the global motion deficit hypothesis of developmental dyslexia: A cross-sectional study of visual, cognitive, and socio-economic factors influencing reading ability in children. Vision Research 159:48-60

Cohen D, Goddard E, and Mullen KT (2019) Reevaluating hMT+ and hV4 functional specialization for motion and static contrast using fMRI-guided repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. Journal of Vision 19(11), doi:10.1167/19.3.11

Tsai LT, Jang Y, Liao KM and Chen CC (2019) Legibility Assessment of Visual Word Form Symbols for Visual Tests. Scientific Reports, Vol. 9, Article number: 3338

Labhishetty V, Chakraborty A and Bobier W (2019) Is blur sensitivity altered in children with progressive myopia?. Vision Research 154:142-153

Himmelberg MM, Wade AR (2019) Eccentricity-dependent temporal contrast tuning in human visual cortex measured with fMRI. NeuroImage 184(1):462-474

Zhang J, Zhuang J, and Yu KM (2018) Posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens for the correction of high myopic anisometropic amblyopia in adults. International Journal of Ophthalmology 11(11):1870-1874

Shuffrey LC, Levinson L, Becerra A, Pak G, Sepulveda DM, Montgomery AK, Green HL, Froud K (2018) Visually Evoked Response Differences to Contrast and Motion in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Brain Sciences 8(9), 160; doi:10.3390/brainsci8090160

† Kumaran N, Ripamonti C, Kalitzeos A, Rubin GS, Bainbridge JWB, Michaelides M (2018) Severe Loss of Tritan Color Discrimination in RPE65 Associated Leber Congenital Amaurosis.Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, Vol.59:85-93. doi:https://doi.org/10.1167/iovs.17-22905

Mikulskaya E, Martin FH (2018) Contrast sensitivity and motion discrimination in cannabis users. Psychopharmacology, 1-11, doi.org/10.1007/s00213-018-4944-2

Benjamin AV, Wailes-Newson K, Ma-Wyatt A, Baker DH and Wade AR (2018) The effect of locomotion on early visual contrast processing in humans. Journal of Neuroscience 1428-17

Welbourne LE, Morland AB, Wade AR (2018) Population receptive field (pRF) measurements of chromatic responses in human visual cortex using fMRI. NeuroImage 167(15):84-94

Hamm LM, Chen Z, Li J, Dai S, Black J, Yuan J, Yu M, Thompson B (2017) Contrast-balanced binocular treatment in children with deprivation amblyopia. Clin Exp Optom.

Zhang J,Yu KM (2017) Femtosecond laser corneal refractive surgery for the correction of high myopic anisometropic amblyopia in juveniles. Int J Ophthalmol 2017;10(11):1678-1685

Harris LR, Sakurai K, Beaudot WHA (2017) Tactile Flow Overrides Other Cues To Self Motion. Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 1059

Kim YJ, Tsai JJ, Ojemann J, Verghese P (2017) Attention to multiple objects facilitates their integration in prefrontal and parietal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 2370-16

Hamm L, Chen ZD, Li JR, Black J, Dai S, Yuan J, Yu MB, Thompson B (2017) Interocular suppression in children with deprivation amblyopia. Vision Research 133:112–120

Zhang J, Li JR, Chen ZD, Yu MB, Yu KM (2016) Phakic posterior chamber intraocular lens for unilateral high myopic amblyopia in Chinese pediatric patients. Int J Ophthalmol. 9(12):1790–1797

Bruce C. Hansen BC, Haun AM, Johnson AP, Ellemberg D (2016) On the Differentiation of Foveal and Peripheral Early Visual Evoked Potentials. Brain Topography 29(4):506–514

Chen Z, Li J, Liu J, Cai X, Yuan J, Deng D, Yu M (2016) Monocular perceptual learning of contrast detection facilitates binocular combination in adults with anisometropic amblyopia. Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 20187

Ding Z, Li J, Spiegel DP, Chen Z, Chan L, Luo G, Yuan J, Deng D, Yu M, Thompson B (2016) The effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on contrast sensitivity and visual evoked potential amplitude in adults with amblyopia. Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 19280

Tachibana R, Beaudot WHA, Sakurai K (2016) The range of discrepant directions indicated by visual and vestibular inputs that can be multimodally integrated in the perception of self-motion. Tohoku Psychologica Folia 75:9−14

Borges VM, Danesh-Meyer HV, Black JM, Thompson B (2015) Functional effects of unilateral open-angle glaucoma on the primary and extrastriate visual cortex. Journal of Vision, 15(9), doi:10.1167/15.15.9

Pageau M, de Guise D, Saint-Amour D (2015) Random-Dot Stereopsis in Microstrabismic Children: Stimulus Size Matters. Optometry & Vision Science 92(2):208-216

Chakraborty A, Anstice NS, Jacobs RJ, Paudel N, LaGasse LL, Lester BM, Wouldes tag, Harding JE, Thompson B (2015) Global motion perception is independent from contrast sensitivity for coherent motion direction discrimination and visual acuity in 4.5-year-old children. Vision Research 115 Part A:83–91

Tsai LT, Su YC, Beaudot WHA, Yang YH (2015) Assessment of Visual Dysfunction in a Patient with Right Occipital Infarct. Taiwan Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 43(3):191–200

Li J, Spiegel D, Hess RF, Chen Z, Chan L, Deng D, Yu M, Thompson B (2015) Dichoptic training improves contrast sensitivity in adults with amblyopia. Vision Research

Baldwin AS, Husk JS, Edwards L, Hess RF (2015) The efficiency of second order orientation coherence detection. Vision Research 109A:45-51. doi:10.1016/j.visres.2015.01.026

Putnam CM, Bassi CJ (2015) Macular pigment spatial distribution effects on glare disability. Journal of Optometry

Chen Z, Li J, Thompson B, Deng D, Yuan J, Chan L, Hess RF, Yu M (2015) The Effect of Bangerter Filters on Binocular Function in Observers With Amblyopia. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56:139-149. doi:10.1167/iovs.14-15224

Doualot A, Simard M, Saint-Amour D (2014) Attention modulation of stimulus rivalry under swapping paradigm. i-Perception 5(3):147-152. doi:10.1068/i0621

Zhou J, McNeill S, Babu RJ, Baker DH, Bobier WR, Hess RF (2014) Time Course of Dichoptic Masking in Normals and Suppression in Amblyopes. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 55:4098-4104. doi:10.1167/iovs.14-13969

LeMoyne E, Curnier D & Ellemberg D (2014) Pregnancy and cognition: Deficits in inhibition are unrelated to changes in fitness. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. DOI:10.1080/13803395.2013.875520

Witz N, Zhou J & Hess RF (2014) Similar Mechanisms Underlie the Detection of Horizontal and Vertical Disparity Corrugations. PLoS ONE 9(1):e84846. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0084846

Farrell-Whelan M & Brooks K (2013) Differential processing: Towards a unified model of direction and speed perception. Vision Research 92:10–18

Zhou J, Thompson B & Hess R (2013) A new form of rapid binocular plasticity in adult with amblyopia. Scientific Reports 3

Spiegel D, Byblow W, Hess R & Thompson B (2013) Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Transiently Improves Contrast Sensitivity and Normalizes Visual Cortex Activation in Individuals With Amblyopia. Neurorehabilitation & Neural Repair 27(8):760-769

Witz N & Hess R (2013) Mechanisms underlying global stereopsis in fovea and periphery. Vision Research 87(19):10–21

Clavagnier S, Thompson B & Hess R (2013) Long Lasting Effects of Daily Theta Burst rTMS Sessions in the Human Amblyopic Cortex. Brain Stimulation

Peters M, Thompson B, Merabet L, Wu A & Shams L (2013) Anodal tDCS to V1 blocks visual perceptual learning consolidation. Neuropsychologia 51(7):1234–1239

Zhou J, Clavagnier S & Hess R (2012) Short-term monocular deprivation strengthens the patched eye's contribution to binocular combination. Journal of Vision 13(5):12

Huang PC, Li J, Deng D, Yu M & Hess R (2012) Temporal synchrony deficits in amblyopia. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science

Huang PC, Baker DH, Hess RF (2012) Interocular suppression in normal and amblyopic vision: Spatio-temporal properties . Journal of Vision 12(11):29, 1–12

Li J, Thompson B, Ding Z, Chan LYL, Chen X, Yu M, Deng D & Hess RF (2012) Does partial occlusion promote normal binocular function? Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 53

Husk JS, Huang PC & Hess RF (2012) Orientation coherence sensitivity. Journal of Vision 12(6):18, 1-15

Turgeon C, Champoux F, Lepore F, Ellemberg D (2012) Reduced visual discrimination in cochlear implant users. Neuroreport 23(6):385-389

Farrell-Whelan M, Wenderoth P, Brooks KR (2012) Challenging the distribution shift: Statically-induced direction illusion implicates differential processing of object-relative and non-object-relative motion. Vision Research 58:10-18

Johnson B, Wenderoth P (2011) Tapered dipoles in briefly flashed Glass-pattern sequences disambiguate perceived motion direction. Perception 40(4):383-391

Hess RF, Maehara G (2011) Does cognitive perception have access to brief temporal events? i-Perception 2(2):142-149

Hansen BC, Thompson B, Hess RF, Ellemberg D(2010) Extracting the internal representation of faces from human brain activity: An analogue to reverse correlation. NeuroImage 51(1):373-390

Dumoulin SO, Dakin SC, Hess RF (2008) Sparsely distributed contours dominate extra-striate responses to complex scenes. NeuroImage 42:890–901


McCaig R. (2023) The Long-term Effects of Cannabis on Attention to Motion. Theses and Dissertations (Comprehensive). 2557.

Tabares H.S. (2020) Avaliação visual da sensiblidade ao contraste em crianças expostas e infectadas intra-útero pelo zika vírus. Master's Dissertation, University of São Paulo, Brazil.

Caron G. (2020) Les effets d’un effort cognitif prolongé chez des athlètes ayant subi une commotion cérébrale. Master's Thesis. Université de Montréal.


Yu, Miaomiao (2020) The role of neural oscillations in the visual system and their relation to conscious perception. PhD thesis, University of York.

† Jolly J. K. (2020) Assessment and evaluation of visual function measurement in inherited retinal degeneration; focusing on optimisation. PhD thesis, University of Oxford.

Moreno Hernandez LM (2020) Visual awareness negativity and P3: ERP study of the distinctive neural correlates of conscious vision. Master Degree Program in Human Neuroscience, University of Turku, Finland

Lortie JC (2020) Les effets des impacts sous-commotions sur les fonctions exécutives et l'état psychoaffectif de jeunes hockeyeurs au cours d'une saison. Master - Maîtrise en sciences de l'activité physique, Université de Montréal, Québec, Canada

Cooper P. (2019) Individual Differences Interocular Inhibition in Vision.  Master of Science. McGill University (Canada).  2019. 28248296

Coelho, Thais Fernandes Alvim (2019) Relação entre sensibilidade ao contraste e julgamento de expressões faciais de emoções em crianças de 6 a 14 anos [Relationship between contrast sensitivity and judgment of emotion facial expressions in children aged 6 to 14 years]. Master's Dissertation, Catálogo USP (São Paulo, Brazil)

Bakroon, Asmaa (2019) Psychophysical Studies Of Motion Perception In Autism Spectrum Disorders. PhD Thesis, University of Waterlo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Zagui, Roberta Melissa Benetti (2019) Impacto da ambliopia estrabísmica e anisometrópica na visão de cores e de contraste espacial com diferentes níveis de complexidade (Impact of strabismic and anisometropic amblyopia on color and spatial contrast vision with different levels of complexity). PhD Thesis, University of São Paulo, Brazil

Levinson, Lisa Merideth (2018) Neural Correlates of Early-Stage Visual Processing Differences in Developmental Dyslexia. PhD Thesis, Columbia University, USA

Alnawmasi, Mohammed (2018) Investigating the Effect of Mild TBI on the Global Processing of Form and Motion. Master Degree in Vision Science, University of Waterlo, Waterlo, Canada

Labhishetty, Vivek (2017) Understanding the sensory and motor behavior of accommodation in progressive myopic children. PhD Thesis in Vision Science, University of Waterlo, Waterlo, Canada

Caldwell, Catherine L (2016) Perceptual Combination of Binocular Luminance and Orientation. Master Thesis, McGill University, Montreal, Canada

Welbourne, Lauren Elizabeth (2016) Peripheral factors affecting human colour perception. PhD Thesis, University of York, UK

Siong, Kar Ho (2016) Relationship between vision and balance in static and dynamic manners. PhD Thesis, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Alamri, Sultan Ahmed H (2016) Neural Correlates of Gain Control in Drosophila and Humans. PhD Thesis, University of York, UK

LaRosa, Thomas J (2015) Correlational Evidence between the Processing Speed Index, Coherent Motion Threshold, and Achievement Scores of Children With and Without Learning Disabilities. PhD Thesis, University of Missouri, Saint Louis, USA

Chakraborty, Arijit (2015) Global Motion Perception in 4.5-year-old Children Born at Risk of Abnormal Neurodevelopment. PhD Thesis, The University of Auckland, New-Zealand

Putnam, Christopher (2014) Spatial Mapping of Macular Pigment Optical Density and Its Relationship to Contrast Sensitivity and Glare Disability. PhD Thesis, University of Missouri, Saint Louis, USA

Leung, Tsz Wing (2014) Characteristics of astigmatism in a Hong Kong Chinese population. PhD Thesis, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Labonté-LeMoyne, Élise (2014) Effets de l'activité physique durant la grossesse sur le cerveau de la mère et de l'enfant. Thèse de Doctorat, Université de Montréal, Canada

Charbonneau, Yves (2014) L'impact de la commotion cérébrale d'origine sportive sur la capacité d'imagerie mentale visuelle d'athlètes. Thèse de Maîtrise, Université de Montréal, Canada

Gabbard, Stephen R (2013) Flash Lag Effect Model Discrimination. PhD Thesis, Wright State University, USA

Spiegel, Daniel (2013) Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation of the Healthy and Amblyopic Visual Cortex: Mechanisms and Action. PhD Thesis, The University of Auckland, New-Zealand

Witz, Nirel (2012) Properties of global stereopsis in fovea and periphery. Master Thesis, McGill University, Montreal, Canada

Kinerk, Wesley T (2012) Temporal Characteristics of Monoptic, Dichoptic and Half-Binocular Collinear Lateral Masking of Contrast Detection. PhD Thesis, University of Missouri, Saint Louis, USA

Turgeon, Christine (2011) Mesure du développement de la capacité de discrimination auditive et visuelle chez des personnes malentendantes porteuses d’un implant cochléaire. Thèse de Doctorat, Université de Montréal, Canada

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